Stranger's handbook 149

I really wanted to publish this chapter on Saturday, but i guess that wasn't meant to be, oh well.
Won't someone take this project away from me so that I can enjoy the chapters without the need of bangin my head due to my ignorance in Japanese?
Obediently go to the chapter through adfly thanks.

(Edit: BTW I made a ToC, people like that kind of things right?) (still my chapters are on adfly though :p)

I really feel like rantig a bit today, so here we go:
This last weekend was a bit too hectic for me to be able to translate. On Saturday I went to church in the morning for the monthly mass since my grandpa's death (dunno if that's something only catholics do or not) and in the afternoon i had my admision exam for college 1 and a half hours away from there in a zone of the city i've never been before (Mexico city is truly big).
My original plan was to translate a bit on Friday, go to sleep early since I had to get up at 7 am, go to my Saturday appointments then try to finish translating between Saturday and Sunday and publish as soon as possible. But I'm not where I'm standing today for following though my plans.
Even though it was my second time doing my admission exams and knew quite a bit of how it was going to be, I still couldn't shake my nervousness at all and since I couldn't get in the mood for deciphering vague google  translations I went and read through some chapters of other novels that had been piling up, and ended up going to sleep at 5 am. It wasn't pretty, but at least it wasn't something I hadn't done before, aside from that tiny bit of a difference, my appointments on Saturday went according to plan: mass in the morning, breakfast with the relatives, visiting grandpa's tomb and then commuting (is that the right word for when it's a one time thing? btw since I'm going on forever and to hide it a bit, I will say that the gateway you are looking for is in the comma after "relatives") to the school where my exam would be applied, getting a bit lost (not sure if I mistook google maps directions or it plainly doesn't actually know bus routes) but asking people for directions is still a thing so no probs. I answered my exam, (hope that goes alright), and finally could go back to my house and start my weekend.
Saturday I ended so tired that I fell asleep at 9 pm, and Sunday I just didn't feel like looking at kanji at all, so taking advantage that Im free for a while I took full monday on MTL and here we are, feels a bit strange to not be falling asleep already after finishing a chapter.
It's been quite a rant, an really boring if I say so myself (I seldomly read other's full rants after all :3) but hey that's what blogspot is actually for, ain't it?
I really need to find motivation to keep going on this project since MTL really takes a toll on my patience, hope you can see me publishing more chapters (and rants :p) in the future.


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