Stranger's handbook 151

Whew, at last this one is out, man it was really hard to fin motivation to translate this last week: Don't you guys know of someone who I can dump this project so I can just enjoy reading it? ~(*w*)~
anyway you aren't here for reading me whine (I think), so here you go: chapter 151

And for those that for some reason like to see me whine... well too bad because even in my rant there's not much to whine about. I went to see my deceased cousin last weekend, since it's been one year since he died, nice gathering if one didn't think the reason we were together. I'm not sure what to think of the priest that gave the mass since I'm barely religious, but dude, he's so charisamtic that it made me think that if he wasn't the anti-christ (a theme touched in the mass), the anti cChrist at least would have a personality akin to his. I'm not sure how others see it, but I think one shouln't advertise and sell his books on a private mass, but hey i guess there's no problem since some relatives actually bought them.
Apart from that, the real reason I didn't translate the chapter sooner is because I became hooked with playing fortnite and fate Grand/Order, soo... yeah. Well see ya next week, hopefully.

RIP cousin of mine. RIP Stephen Hawkings


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